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Mindfulness a Priority for Federal Government in Improving Mental Health of Youth

The Federal Government is supporting the rollout of the Smiling Mind app into 600 regional and rural Australian primary schools this year....

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Life After COVID: Christian Groups Unite to Pave the Way Forward

In an overwhelming display of support, Australian Christian groups have pledged their commitment to the Prime Minister to help with the nation’s recovery....

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COVID-19 Vaccine: Where Are You in the Queue?

As the world continues to reel in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic, when can you expect to receive the vaccine and who is first on the list?...

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Friends Again: Why Facebook Backed Down

Less than a week after the social media giant cancelled the news in Australia, Facebook has again opened its doors to publishers....

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Facebook Ban: What Does it Mean For Your Feed?

Facebook lost a lot of friends in Australia when it banned the sharing of news content on its services....

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Macquarie Dictionary Wants You to Choose the Word that Defines the Past Decade

A Macquarie Dictionary senior editor said the Word of the Year competition is the one time of year where the public can have their input....

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COVID-19 Intensifies Discrimination Against Christians

New report finds Christians are being refused COVID-19 aid in countries across Asia, Middle East and Africa....

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“We Had to Accept the Unacceptable” – Abdallah Family Mark First Anniversary of Children’s Deaths

A year on from the tragic car crash that killed three of their children, Danny and Leila Abdallah are urging others to embrace forgiveness....

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What You Need to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccines Australia has Secured

The Australian Government has entered into four separate agreements for the supply of vaccines, investing more than $3.3 billion...

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CAP Supports Petition Opposing Plan to Axe Safe Spending Laws

Debt relief charity Christians Against Poverty Australia urges senators to block proposed termination of safe lending laws....

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