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CAP Supports Petition Opposing Plan to Axe Safe Spending Laws

Debt relief charity Christians Against Poverty Australia urges senators to block proposed termination of safe lending laws....

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How to Live a Life of Worth

When you are making a decision for or against going through something in your life, is it faith that is prompting you, or is it fear?...

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Chocolate Covered Raspberries

These delicious chocolate raspberries can be served as a light dessert or maybe even make them for a healthy treat for your sweetheart!...

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60 Things I Would Tell My 16 Year Old Self

If I could stand face to face with my 16-year-old self I would have a lot to tell her. She probably wouldn’t listen but I’ll say it anyway!...

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How the Past Paves New Paths to the Future

The past often offers time-tested ideas, lessons and approaches which can be rethought and reinvented for the present moment....

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How Talia’s Disabled Daughter Taught Her about the Love of God

After her first weigh in since leaving hospital, Talia realised her baby daughter had lost 20% of her body weight and become floppy and pale....

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A New Baby and a New EP for Artist Ayiesha Woods

Artist Ayiesha Woods knows the chaos and joy of family all too well, welcoming her fourth baby boy during the pandemic....

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Teaching Your Kids About Good Character

Every day, in any number of situations, our children are looking for clues about our character, watching to see if our actions line up with our words....

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Jesus Had Dinner with Sinners

The disreputable and immoral outcasts of society ate with Jesus while the self-righteous teachers of the law were repulsed by such grace....

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Tasty Gluten, Grain and Nut-Free Waffles

These cassava flour waffles are the perfect breakfast treat for those avoiding gluten and grains but also need a nut-free recipe....

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