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Business Owner, Which of These 3 ‘R’s Is Preventing Your Progress?

Almost every business wants to be known for being innovative, not all have the mindset that will get them there. Here are 3 common roadblocks to innovation....

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Michael Keaton’s 9/11 ‘Worth’ Asks Can We Actually Valuate a Life? [Movie Review]

Wanting to prevent “a sever buckling of the economy”, the US Congress developed the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund....

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Called, Communed, Commissioned: The Life-Pattern of Every Follower of Jesus

There were three distinct phases in Jesus’ dealings with his disciples and they are God’s plan for every one of his children....

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Roasted Carrot ‘Hummus’

This paleo version of hummus uses soaked cashews in place of chickpeas! Delicious served with crackers and vegetable sticks....

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Australian Churches Unite to Offer Homes, Seek Extra Visas for Afghans

Christians United for Afghanistan is a movement spearheaded by Micah Australia that is asking the Australian Government to do three things....

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“I’m Grateful I Had a Brain Tumour” Says Comedy Writer Jeannie Gaffigan

Jeannie’s recovery wasn’t easy, with months attached to tubes and retraining herself to speak after a tracheotomy, but it’s an experience she appreciates....

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Autism Celebrated, Those Struggling with Alcohol and Addiction Embraced in ‘The Chosen’

As of March this year, season one of ‘The Chosen’ was watched over 100 million times in 180 countries and translated into multiple languages....

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How Augmented Reality Is Becoming an Everyday Reality for Today’s Students

A reform to the national assessment program, NAPLAN, to include digital literacy in its testing indicates the increased use of technology in education....

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Lady on the Bus

I explained that I had no cash and that I’d pay later, confident that my wholesome winning smile would be sufficient evidence of my honesty....

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What God Thinks About You

Too often our view of how God thinks about us is all wrong. When you know the truth about how God thinks of you, it is the most freeing revelation on earth!...

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